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Kate Rosie – My Art: An Eclectic Mix
1 Oct, 2024 10:00 AM - 13 Oct, 2024 4:00 PM

Oxmarket are looking forward to welcoming Kate Rosie to the Wilson Gallery. Kate says her driving force has always been a passion for art from being a young girl through to an adult. In this body of work Kate wanted to demonstrate different ways of working so as not to become formulaic.
For her upcoming exhibition Kate says ‘There are no limitations as to what one can do, and as we are all unique, that gives one permission to be unique in what we want to express visually through our art practice. Exploring and experimenting comes with ‘joy’ and it is vital to continue in that vein so my work keeps on being fresh and new. As I paint semi-abstracts in landscapes and seascapes, in addition to still life, collage, and more recently abstracts, I hope I am able to appeal to a wider audience in my choice of subject’
Kate is originally from the N.E. of England and travelled South with her then husband and a babe in arms in 1977. Art was a hobby Kate combined with bringing up a family. In 1997 Kate’s twin sister died of Cancer, and from then until now, she has tried to reclaim some sense of identity loss. Within three years of her twin’s passing Kate turned her hobby into serious study as she embarked on a Foundation Course and a Fine Art Degree (part-time) at UCA Farnham, over a period of seven years in total. Kate found this hugely challenging, however on the Foundation course she discovered a penchant for 3D. For the first three years of her five year degree she worked with raw materials, building and constructing installations. It was significant in as much as it provided Kate with an outlet for her grief, that she couldn’t do with painting. In the final two years of her degree Kate reverted to painting, and since graduating in 2006 has continued and found her passion again. Kate does this in honour of her twin, for the gift of creating and the life lived without her. Kate says ‘Any highlights can only be measured by my life after my twin and the love and support of family and friends who have also been on this creative journey with me’.