Mother & Child Life Drawing with Silvia MacRae Brown

Charleston Firle, Lewes, East Sussex

This charming ink-on-paper drawing, 'Mother and Child', is by Duncan Grant. We've used it to illustrate a wonderful opportunity for those of you interested in life drawing. Silvia MacRae Brown will be leading an informal day of life drawing at Charleston in Firle on Tuesday May 7, offering the chance to sketch life model Francesca […]

A Day of Sculpting for Beginners

Friston Forest

If you've ever wondered about working with clay but never given it a try, then this one's for you! Silvia MacRae Brown will be hosting a day of exploratory sculpting specifically tailored for beginners. What's more, the day will take place amidst the beautiful surroundings of the Friston Forest, one of Sussex's many natural gems. […]
